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We produce the

of Liguria



IT  |  EN

Starting from the end of November, with the new harvest, our products — Taggiasca extra virgin olive oil, Taggiasca olives, and Taggiasca olive pâté — will be available for online purchase.
Discover the freshness and quality of our new harvest delivered directly to your home!

Taggiasca Extra Virgin Olive Oil

0,5 L - 12,00 €
0,75 L - 16,00 €
3 L - 57,00 €
5 L - 90,00 €

Taggiasca olives in brine

290 g - 5,00 €

Pitted Taggiasca Olives in Oil

180 g - 6,00 €

Taggiasca olive patè in extra virgin olive oil

180g - 5,00 €

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Taggiasca Olives

For generations, we at Azienda Agricola Ferraris have been cultivating Taggiasca Olives.
The story began in 1945, when Grandfather Aurelio cultivated his first olive trees, practicing barter.
In 2001, the third generation, Luca Ferraris, took over the family business, expanding the olive groves and aiming at the revitalization of the territory.
The innovation in the management of the olive groves was initiated by Luca's father, equipping them with an irrigation and fertilization system.
However, the "terraced" structure of the territory does not favor automation and mechanization of the processes; much of the work is done by hand.
On one hand, it is a disadvantage, but on the other, it is "poetry"...
We only cultivate Monocultivar Taggiasca olives, focusing on quality, not quantity.
Those who taste our products can truly savor the authentic and genuine flavor of the Monocultivar Taggiasca Olives, cared for with dedication and passion.

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